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2020 Virtual Members’ Co-op Show

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Blanche Schart
Needle-woven Sankofa Neckpiece with sawn copper Sankofa
fiber, copper, beads
$80.00     BHS-01

Blanche Schart
Still crazy after all these years
"crazy quilt" block
Fabric, fiber
$75.00     BHS-02
12.25 x 12.25

Blanche Scharf
Black Mandalas

Precious Metal Clay, Sterling silver chain

     BHS-03.1 (left)
$95.00     BHS-03.2 (middle)
$95.00     BHS-03.3 (right)

Blanche Scharf
Warm Autumn
needle-woven neckpiece
fiber, beads, copper wire
$90.00     BHS-04

Blanche Scharf
Sankofa earrings
Sawn copper sheet
$25.00     BHS-05.1 (top)
$25.00     BHS-05.2 (bottom)

Blanche Scharf
Life in the Abstract
earrings & necklace
Precious Metal Clay silver, Sterling Silver unseamed snake chain
$225.00     BHS-06

Blanche Scharf
Ornate cross
Bronze PMC
$35.00     BHS-07
4 inches long

Bronze waves cross
PMC bronze and white copper
$30.00     BHS-08
3 inches long

Bronze brain coral cross
PMC bronze and white copper
$30.00     BHS-09
3 inches long

Bronze diamond cross
PMC bronze
$25.00     BHS-10
2.5 inches long

Blanche Scharf: I believe that each of us has creativity bestowed by God and we need to explore that aspect of ourselves to travel a spiritual path. Regardless of the medium, the process of creating art makes us listen to those inner voices that speak only to us in a completely unique way. Art can be anything that's created using one's own inspiration that makes a statement and/ or is pleasing to the wearer, observer or user.