RSVP for The Heart of Art
65th Anniversary Gala

Please print the completed form below and
deliver it to 110 Westover avenue
or mail it to:

Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center
Attn: 65th Anniversary Gala
P.O. Box 388
Williamsburg, VA 23187-0388

RSVP - The Heart of Art – 65th Anniversary Gala
Please reserve Gala Admissions at $100 each: $
Please reserve Sapphire Level Admissions at $250 each:
*Includes recognition in all event materials & priority table seating.
I/ We are unable to attend, but please accept this donation of $
Total Amount $
City, State, Zip 
PAYMENT METHOD: Check payable to WCAC
Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AMEX)
Account #:
Exp Date: / (mm/yy)   | Security Code:
Name on Account
