Carole Harrison Miles
Sculptor and Painter
Blooming Piston Cast Bronze
Upon a Blooming Piston rests the fate of modern man
From his wheel to his computer will he ever understand
The vast omnipotent interaction of his most complex machine
Ah, but can he grasp that one device which he has never seen?
Without a Blooming Piston, what would man's fate have been
Would he ever challenge fear, would he ever strive?
Toward the technological strength that awes both you and me
LYRICS- COPYRIGHTS 1976 & 2006 All Rights Reserved
Blue Dreads
Criss Cross
Mystic Millhouse: Hammock View
Work exhibited: Fort Lee, Local Banks and Libraries, Longwood, Mariner's Museum,
Petersburg Area Art Shows, VA Beach Boardwalk Art Show, TCAG, VMFA, VT, UVA, WI… All artwork is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Artist.